One of the joys of home ownership is taking care of our yards. This task is sometimes full of joy and fulfillment when a garden turns our right or we are enjoying a meal on the stamped concrete patio we put in. It is NOT full of any joy when a HUGE elm tree dies right next to your house and it needs to be taken down. I can imagine the cost of removing this monstrosity would be around $5,000. There is NO WAY my husband would pay that to anyone to take down a tree when he can figure it out himself in all his spare time (did I ever tell you he is pretty frugal? He gets a lot of jeering for that from our family/friends). That is part of what fuels the intense desire to build/do things himself instead of paying someone else to do them I tried to explain that if he drops just one little branch on our house it will be expensive any way but he is determined to take this thing and says he is more than up to the challenge. So I will be praying he calculates his angles right and that all the ropes hold, not to mention the tree stand he has built to hold himself and his ladder as he is holding a chainsaw that could kill him. Please know that I DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU TRY THIS AT HOME. My husband is a little bit crazy and a lot bit stubborn so here we go! Here are some pictures of the project and the tools he will be using to do this.
WOW that is a great big tree and who is it that says your husband is frugal…we call him cheap!!!!