Tag Archives: landscape

Winter Party Ideas – Ice candles make it just a little bit fancy

We threw a small New Year’s party and many of the ideas would work for any winter themed party so I thought I would share them.  My favorite part is the ice candles.  They make a winter party just a little fancy & I like just a  little fancy so it works out. Just fill…

Peter models some super spikes – does that put him on the same level as a superhero? That is up to you. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Peter models his super spikes and takes this tree DOWN. . . . . Find your own super spikes here:  http://www.wesspur.com I have compiled the best pictures from the big event and a few of Sam keeping himself busy.  He was finding some fun of his own while all this was going on.  Don’t miss…

Peter models some super spikes – does that put him on the same level as a superhero? That is up to you. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Peter models his super spikes and takes this tree DOWN. . . . . Find your own super spikes here:  http://www.wesspur.com I have compiled the best pictures from the big event and a few of Sam keeping himself busy.  He was finding some fun of his own while all this was going on.  Don’t miss…

Hosta plants are AMAZING! Share them with your friends and family! Most inexpensive gardening ever!

I love sharing plants with friends/family/neighbors.  It is so much fun to be able to spread the love and beauty of gardening!  Hosta is super easy to split and share and it goes a lot farther than you would imagine.  Due to the removal of a very large dead tree in our yard, I will…

Taking down a monstrous tree in our yard! Base of the tree is a mere 15 feet from our house.

One of the joys of home ownership is taking care of our yards.   This task is sometimes full of joy and fulfillment when a garden turns our right or we are enjoying a meal on the stamped concrete patio we put in.  It is NOT full of any joy when a HUGE elm tree…