Tag Archives: twin cities fun places

Love the corner of Broadway and Central in NE Mpls!

I have a couple of amazing friends who recently opened a salon in NE Mpls! You should visit them and this fantastic corner. The following fun places create a wonderful Atmosphere while you work, shop or meet friends to relax and hang out. https://www.facebook.com/kate.steller/about?ref=ts http://spyhousecoffee.com http://www.612brew.com And more! Come and see for yourself.

Love the corner of Broadway and Central in NE Mpls!

I have a couple of amazing friends who recently opened a salon in NE Mpls! You should visit them and this fantastic corner. The following fun places create a wonderful Atmosphere while you work, shop or meet friends to relax and hang out. https://www.facebook.com/kate.steller/about?ref=ts http://spyhousecoffee.com http://www.612brew.com And more! Come and see for yourself.