Hosta plants are AMAZING! Share them with your friends and family! Most inexpensive gardening ever!

I love sharing plants with friends/family/neighbors.  It is so much fun to be able to spread the love and beauty of gardening!  Hosta is super easy to split and share and it goes a lot farther than you would imagine.  Due to the removal of a very large dead tree in our yard, I will finally have SUN in my yard to plant veggies next year!  I have been inspired by my father-in-law (who happens to have an amazing garden) to plant in raised beds next year.  I am hoping to come up with a nice arrangement of raised beds to follow the path of our sidewalk.  Before I can do any of that I needed to get rid of all the Hosta and various other plants in that area.  I was shocked to discover that I was able to line my backyard with hosta and even share plants with my Mom and a friend so they could enjoy hosta in their yards as well!  I don’t think they had been split for VERY long time.

There are so many fun varieties of hosta as well so you can be creative and mix and match colors and get some great combinations.  I have listed a couple great sites below to find out more about these plants.

1 thoughts on “Hosta plants are AMAZING! Share them with your friends and family! Most inexpensive gardening ever!

  1. Sheldon says:

    Yes, they are amazing! Easy to grow, easy to divide, and a surprisingly wide variety of patterns for so few colors (basically green). They aren’t as showy as other plants, but they’re not demanding for either light or water. We didn’t think much of them until we became homeowners; now we love them!

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