The TV is FINALLY on the wall, but we still need to hide the cords

The cables for the TV were run through the mantle above the fireplace so they come out on the right hand side.

Complete wall - ready for the paint
Complete wall - ready for the paint

The TV bracket chosen was purchase on Amazon for only $99.00!  It extends way out and swivels 90 degrees in either direction so I can see it when I am cooking which is a GREAT feature.  Peter was excited about the leveling adjustment capability so that you do not have to mount the bracket perfectly level.

Unibrak UNB 550 Dual Arm Articulating Cantilever LCD Plasma LED TV Wall Mount 37″ 42″ 50″ 58″ 65″ Extends 33″ Sony LG Panasonic Samsung Pioneer

Yes, the TV is on the wall but now to figure out what to do with the cords that hang out from the side of our fireplace and we also need to decide on something to hold the computer/DVD player as well.


This part is great but we are not done yet. . we will need to caulk everything and repaint the mantle. As for the cords hanging out of the right side of the mantle – Peter has a fantastic idea to frame around the cords and paint a carefully measured piece of wood over the top of the cords painted the same color as the wall.

Problem - cords visible in between fireplace and window frame

You can see the small pieces of wood that have been added to surround the cords and provide a place to attach the cover piece as well.

The flat piece will be nailed to the frame around the cords
Fit the cords neatly into the frame

Cords covered by the wood piece painted the wall color
Cords covered by the wood piece painted the wall color



0 thoughts on “The TV is FINALLY on the wall, but we still need to hide the cords

    • tchousetohome says:

      All seems to be working well at this point. We barely escaped disaster for now. . I will keep you updated. IF our picture goes askew or something we will know we have a problem. Remember when we strained to peer through the snow on the TV to see what was going on?? Wow has the technology come a long way, the pictures are so crystal clear. I can’t believe Sam will never know what “snow” on a TV is. Thanks for your comment!

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